Truth be told, each American home often has a relatively higher-than-the-global average impact on our ecosystem. The slew of appliances that we rely on to make life bearable and easy are, without a doubt, significant consumers of energy which is primarily derived from fossil fuels. HVAC systems are arguably the biggest users of energy in the standard American home. It, therefore, makes more financial and environmental sense to make impactful changes in your cooling and heating system if you are aiming at reducing your household’s energy consumption and making your home eco-friendly.
Adopt Energy Efficient Cooling and Heating Tips
Studies show that adopting smarter and efficient heating and cooling tips can cut back your energy consumption by as much as 40%. For starters, you should be taking advantage of natural energy – as much as possible – when it comes to staying warm this spring. Open up your windows, draw the curtains and let that sun in to keep your central heating system off. Secondly, you could significantly reduce your heat losses by simply sealing air leaks and closing off air drafts in your home. This prevents you from using more energy than necessary to run your home within a given temperature range.
Adopt More Energy Efficient HVAC System
Modern HVAC systems are said to be more than 50% more efficient in their operation than traditional aged central heating or cooling installation. Therefore, your first upgrade after purchasing or leasing an older property should be upgrading the HVAC installation to avoid paying unnecessarily higher bills simply because you are running an inefficient system.
Learn the Right Controls for Using the Least Energy in your Home
Learning that sweet spot that you need to adjust your thermostat to make maximum savings without necessarily making your home unlivable is key to making your residence eco-friendly. You don’t, for instance, have to run your HVAC system in full gear throughout the night even when you are fast asleep. You could set your electronic thermostat to turn it off between certain hours then turn it back on a few minutes before your predicted rising time. Energy smart thermostats also maximize energy savings since you will not be running your heating or cooling system when the house is unoccupied.
References: Medium, The art of Simple Life